Sunday, February 19, 2023

Drink this now lesson #2

Step 1: We chilled our paperback chardonnay. Opened the cork on our Tercius Vinho Tinto Tejo. Lined up a shot glass, a whiskey glass, and a stemless wine glass. 


Step 2: Poured out the white wine into the glasses.

Step 3: Sniffing the white chardonnay.  

Shot glass white sniff: no flavor just smelled metallic and very short body. Slight floral notes on the nose but there was just no depth in what I was smelling. 

Whiskey glass white sniff: more flavor available but still very shallow and wasn't focused. I could smell more of the fruity/floral notes but again it was just shallow. I felt like I wasn't able to get everything from the sniff. It felt like a shotgun approach that wasn't focused. 

Wine glass white sniff: very focused at my nose and I could smell detailed fruity notes. Could smell all the acidity and fruity notes. Didn't feel like I was leaving any notes in the glass. 

Step 4: Tasting the white wine

shot glass white taste: very quick taste that was straight onto the nose. Not deep at all and barely had any notes of anything. Felt like I was just drinking water and alcohol.

whiskey glass white taste: much smoother and could taste actual hints of fruitiness. There was a much more pronounced smell from the whiskey glass and taste than the shot. More of a shotgunned approach again. 

wine glass white taste: much smoother taste than the following whiskey glass, floral notes with hints of butter. Much more pronounced flavor through sniffing since the wine glass is fluted. 

Step 5: setting up the red wine

 Shot glass red sniff: pretty shallow notes slightly fruity but nothing on the nose

Whiskey glass red sniff: there were hints of tannins and body in the sniff that were lacking from the whiskey glass

Wine glass red sniff: much smoother and much more body, the wine was more focused through the olfactory 

shot glass red taste: the shot had a smoother aftertaste than I was expecting, it has a very slow draw down the throat 

whiskey glass red taste: shorter body taste that doesn't have much taste 

wine glass red taste: a deep body that had legs after swirling. very tannic taste that has acidic notes on the nose 

Step 6: After heating up one glass through our hands and sniffing the red wine. The non-heated version was very shallow and did not have the depth of the notes that the heated-up red wine did. The heated-upT version had a much jammier front than the non-heated version. There were hints of oak and vanilla that were much harder to pick up on the non-expressed version of the red. 

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